Today, it’s too hard to become a naturalized citizen of the U.S. The process needs to be streamlined so people don’t have to wait fifteen to twenty years in many cases. We also need to let in more people legally from all countries. In addition, we need to enforce existing laws against illegal aliens. This has nothing to do with racism—it has only to do with upholding our laws. I am not a racist. Notice that I have already said that we need to allow more people into the U.S. legally and make it easier for them to become citizens. Would a racist call for that?
Why do we need to allow more people in? Because our economy will not grow otherwise. We have been killing off much of our growth for the last forty years by allowing abortion on demand. The only way to make up for it is to allow more people into the country legally and give them opportunities they don’t have where they come from.
If we allow more people in legally and enforce laws against illegal aliens, our economy will benefit because much of the money that currently goes into the underground economy will be shifted to the legal side of the economy, supplying more true income for legitimate small business that will provide additional jobs and additional revenue for the government.
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