We must keep energy cheap and available for our people. We must not burn our food supply, as we are currently doing! Instead, we must follow a three-step program:
(1) Short term (1 - 5 years). Drill here. Drill now. With the technological improvements in drilling techniques, the danger of spills like we saw in the past is almost gone. We must drill in ANWR and off our coasts to supply our oil and natural gas needs. We must continue to mine coal and to use our best, cleanest methods of burning it to generate electricity.
(2) Medium Term (5– 15 years). Build more nuclear power plants based on French technology. Long-term storage of nuclear waste is not a problem. In the past it was believed that we would have to store the waste products for thousands of years. We now know that is not true: a mere one or two hundred years is all that’s needed.
(3) Long Term (15 – 30 years). Encourage the development of wind, tidal, recyclable waste, no-food bio-fuels, solar, and other technologies through both direct government investment and tax incentives. We don’t know what the next breakthrough will be. Therefore, we must start a myriad of small investments in many potential technologies, then weed out those that show no promise after a few years.
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