Government spending MUST be brought under control. The latest bailouts will do very little to help the common man—the rich will benefit in the short term and all will suffer with higher taxes in the long term, prolonging an otherwise short economic downturn.
Here is my plan to limit spending:
(1) Kick out the illegal aliens. They sap our economy by using our schools, our universities, our hospitals, and our public facilities, paying almost nothing in taxes, since they live mostly in an underground economy.
(2) Pass rules in both houses of congress to limit earmarks to no more than 1% of a fiscal bill. Give the President a line item veto. It is clear that the founding fathers didn’t conceive of the huge spending bills we would have today—for the first view decades, each “line item” was a separate bill, requiring every single spending proposal to stand or fall on its own.
(3) Limit spending increases to no more than the current inflation index.
(4) Pass no new entitlements and start phasing out all the existing ones except Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Food Stamps. Remove the revenues for these programs from the general budget and manage them separately again.
(5) Eliminate programs that don’t work.
(6) Eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse.
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