Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas American People -- More Debt Than Your Descendants Can Pay For!

From CNN -- Next step: Turn two health care bills into one

(CNN) -- The Senate on Thursday passed its version of the health care bill, inching the country closer to the biggest expansion of medical coverage since Medicare was enacted more than four decades ago.

Senate Democrats declared victory after the 60-39 party line vote, but one of the most complicated tasks is still ahead.

A conference committee must reconcile the differences -- notably a public option, how to pay for the plan that emerges, and coverage for abortion -- and merge them into one.

The House and Senate will then have to pass the revised plan before it can be sent to President Obama's desk. Each chamber needs a simple majority vote for final passage. [Click to read]

We're in for it now! How will we ever pay for this. I guess we can only hope and pray that during reconciliation the best parts of both bills are kept and the worst parts are thrown out. Doesn't usually seem to work that way. Pray hard for wisdom for the people on the reconciliation committees. We do need true health reform, but not like what's currently in either bill.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Health Care Reform That Isn't

Who is the government trying to kid? This is not "Health Care Reform". In the first place, it's not about health care, it's about insurance, one of the lowest-profit businesses on the planet. Do you realize they only make around 4%? In the second place, it's not about reform, it's about taking control of one of the largest business segments in the nation.

This is outright fascism. What is fascim? According to wikipedia, facism is:

a political ideology that seeks to combine radical and authoritarian nationalism with a corporatist economic system, and which is usually considered to be on the far right of the traditional left-right political spectrum.

Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state, with the belief that the majority is unsuited to govern itself through democracy and by reaffirming the benefits of inequality. Fascist governments forbid and suppress openness and opposition to the fascist state and the fascist movement. Fascism opposes class conflict, blames capitalism and liberal democracies for its creation and communists for exploiting the concept. Fascism fashioned itself as the "complete opposite of Marxian socialism" by rejecting the economic and material conception of history, the fundamental belief of fascism being that human beings are motivated by glory and heroism rather than economic motives, in contrast to the worldview of capitalism and socialism.

In the economic sphere, many fascist leaders have claimed to support a "Third Way" in economic policy, which they believed superior to both the rampant individualism of unrestrained capitalism and the severe control of state socialism. This was to be achieved by establishing significant government control over business and labour.

Enough said. Under the Obama, Pelosi, Reid triumvirate, the American People and our freedoms are in trouble.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Job Creations "Summit" Today: Who's NOT Invited?

Guess who's not invited to our esteemed president's job creation summit today?

That's right, the Chamber of Commerce, which represents most small businesses. How many jobs do small businesses provide? 70% of them. Let me repeat that: SEVENTY PERCENT OF U.S. JOBS ARE CREATED BY SMALL BUSINESSES! And they have NO PLACE AT OBAMA'S TABLE!

So just who is invited? Let me see: unions, green groups, business leaders and economists supportive of White House policies, etc. What is this? It's not a JOBS SUMMIT. It's a SPECIAL INTEREST MONEY GRUBBING SUMMIT.

It's also a job protection summit: for Obama.

What will come out of this? My predictions are:

(1) They will say that the government needs to provide healthcare so the businesses won't have to.

(2) The government needs to spend more on green jobs.

(3) Small businesses (not represented at all) need to not be so greedy and hire more people at higher salaries.

Really helpful summit!