Thursday, December 3, 2009

Job Creations "Summit" Today: Who's NOT Invited?

Guess who's not invited to our esteemed president's job creation summit today?

That's right, the Chamber of Commerce, which represents most small businesses. How many jobs do small businesses provide? 70% of them. Let me repeat that: SEVENTY PERCENT OF U.S. JOBS ARE CREATED BY SMALL BUSINESSES! And they have NO PLACE AT OBAMA'S TABLE!

So just who is invited? Let me see: unions, green groups, business leaders and economists supportive of White House policies, etc. What is this? It's not a JOBS SUMMIT. It's a SPECIAL INTEREST MONEY GRUBBING SUMMIT.

It's also a job protection summit: for Obama.

What will come out of this? My predictions are:

(1) They will say that the government needs to provide healthcare so the businesses won't have to.

(2) The government needs to spend more on green jobs.

(3) Small businesses (not represented at all) need to not be so greedy and hire more people at higher salaries.

Really helpful summit!

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