Ratings A-F for Obama's picks. Just my opinion.
(C) White House Chief of Staff: Rep. Rahm Emanuel. Democrat, Illinois. Obama said he wanted to unite us. Why pick a guy who is so divisive from the Illinois (read Chicago) political machine?
(D) Commerce: Bill Richardson, Democrat, New Mexico Governor, withdrawn because of a scandal. No replacement named.
(A) Securities and Exchange Commission: Mary Schapiro, CEO of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Lots of experience in the financial industry. Former SEC commissioner and served as chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in 1994 during the Clinton Administration.
(A) Transportation: Rep. Ray LaHood of Illinois, Republican. Experience in crafting positive legislation for transportation. Well respected by both Republicans and Democrats.
(C) Agriculture: Former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, Democrat. Championed use of ethanol from corn for fuel. Should we be led by a man who advocated burning up our food supply?
(C) State: Hillary Clinton, Senator from New York, former first lady. Are there conflicts of interest with Bill receiving millions of dollars from Middle Eastern countries?
(A) Interior: Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar, Democrat. Previously served as the state’s attorney general and head of its Department of Natural Resources. Rancher and farmer.
(A) Defense: Bill Gates, Republican, Current Secretary. Great pick for a smooth transition during time of war. Probably will be replaced in a couple of years after things settle down.
(D) Treasury: Timothy Geithner, Democrat. President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Failed to pay taxes for several years. And we want him to be in charge of collecting taxes? Come on!
(C) Homeland Security: Gov. Janet Napolitano, Democrat, Arizona. Does she really have the experience to manage this?
(C) Health and Human Services: Former Sen. Tom Daschle, Democrat, South Dakota. Leads Obama’s healthcare working group. Watch out for problems with his personal life!
(A) Attorney General: Eric Holder, Democrat, former deputy attorney general. Good experience.
(C) Labor: Rep. Hilda Solis, Democrat, California. What are her qualifications?
(A) U.S. Trade Representative: Ron Kirk, Democrat, former mayor of Dallas. Businessman. Good negotiator.
(A) Housing and Urban Development: Shaun Donovan, Democrat, New York. Commissioner of housing preservation and development in New York City. Served as a deputy assistant secretary at HUD during the Clinton administration.
(A) Small Business Administration: Karen Mills. A long resume’ of successful work raising capital and managing economic councils.
(C) Energy: Steven Chu. Head of the Berkeley National Laboratory and is a specialist in carbon-neutral energy sources. Won the 1997 Nobel Prize in physics. Great scientist, but is fully on the AGW bandwagon.
(D) Education: Arne Duncan, Democrat, Illinois. Head of the Chicago public school system — the third largest in the country. Previously ran an educational institute in Chicago. Championed and ran several failed educational programs—do we want him running the whole country’s?
(B) Veteran’s Affairs: General Eric Shinseki. Former U.S. Army chief of staff. 4-star general.
(A) EPA: Lisa Jackson, Democrat, New Jersey. Oversaw New Jersey’s environmental protection office and currently serves as the chief of staff to the state’s governor. Chemical Engineer.
(A) Management and Budget: Peter Orszag, Democrat. Director of the U.S. Congressional Budget Office. During the Clinton administration, special assistant to the president for economic policy and senior economic adviser at the National Economic Council.
(D) Drug Control: No one picked yet. For this important office?
(F) Science Advisor: John Holdren. Physicist, a professor of environmental policy at Harvard, a former president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the director of the Woods Hole Research Center, and the author or co-author of many papers and books. He has 30 years of doom and gloom predictions that NEVER came true. Why would we trust him as Science Advisor?
(F) CIA Director: Leon Panetta. Democrat. Former White House chief of staff to President Bill Clinton. He has ZERO intelligence experience. Why would we risk this? Nothing against Leon—use him for something else.
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